• 职位名称:品质部测量房组长(一名)
  • 公司介绍
工作地点 : 广东深圳 招聘期限 : 二个月(2024年9月23日起)
学    历 : 高中/中专 工作经验 : 三年以上
年    龄 : 不限 性    别 : 不限
薪    资 : 8000元以上

职位描述 Responsibilities

1. 维护实验室/量测房工作的正常运行,人员的管理,资源的协调,设备的维护与升**。以满足生产/工程/品保的量测需求;
Keeping the normal operation of the laboratory / measurement room, managing related person, coordinating resources,maintaining and upgrading the equipment to meet the measurement demands of PRO/ENG/QUA.

2. 对实验室/量测房人员能力进行训练和考核;
Training and appraising the ability of the person in laboratory / measurement room.

3. 部门内工作的管理,KPI指标的设定与达成;
Managing the department work, setting and achieving the KPI target.

4. 为品保以及相关部门提供相应技术支持,确保量测房设备硬件与软件的质量与使用性;
Providing related technical support to QUA or related department, make sure the quality and use for the equipment hardware and software.

5. 制作量测房工作流程,工作计划,量测文件及产品量测方法、规范、标准和要求,负责起草、编制、完善各类仪器操作指导书;
Making measurement room work process, work plan, measurement document and making measurement method, specification, standard, requirement for the products, and be responsible for drafting, writing, perfecting all kinds of instrument Operating Procedures.

6. 实现部门高效的量测活动,对测试进行跟踪,并对测试结果如CPK报告进行总结与统计分析,给出并提出改善意见,并完成专业报告;
Achieving department high efficient measuring target, tracing test, summarizing and analyzing test result as CPK, giving and proposing improvement advises, finishing the professional report.

7. 对量测房的工作质量和结果负责,严格按照量测程序、规范标准和有关规定进行量测。填写量测记录,并对试验的准确性和真实性负责,出具试验报告,试验资料应认真整理,并及时归档;
Be responsible to the work quality and test result, strictly according to the measuring procedure and standard to measure, fill in the measuring records, and be responsible to test accuracy and authenticity






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